
We explore ideas, knowledge and experiences from the world of philosophy, mindfulness and meditation. Want to contribute? Check out our blog guidelines.

Medito Foundation Announces the Departure of Board Members Gareth and Steven Yorke Jun 12, 2024 — Medito Foundation

Medito Foundation Announces the Departure of Board Members Gareth and Steven Yorke

It is with mixed emotions that we announce the departure of two of our esteemed board members, Gareth and Steven Yorke, from Medito Foundation. Both Gareth and …

May 12, 2024 — Pritam Paul

Finding peace within during Mental Health Awareness Month

May is a special month in the aspect of mental well being. It can bring hope, change, and comfort as people rally behind mental health awareness. In this …

Apr 08, 2024 — Steven Yorke

Participate in a research project on mindfulness and compassion

Are you interested in exploring the profound connection between mindfulness and compassion? Do you want to embark on a journey of self-discovery while …

Apr 02, 2024 — Pritam Paul

Embracing the spectrum: A journey from awareness to thriving

Every year on April 2nd, the global community comes together to observe World Autism Awareness Day—a day dedicated to raising awareness about autism and …

Mar 11, 2024 — Pritam Paul

From mindfulness to empowerment: Celebrating women's strength and inclusivity with Medito

International Women's Day (IWD) on March 8, 2024, stands as a significant beacon, illuminating the path toward gender equality, celebrating the remarkable …

Feb 08, 2024 — Irina Y.

Mindful parenting: Nurturing the heart of family life

Introduction Parenting in today's fast-paced world comes with a unique set of challenges. From juggling the demands of work and home to ensuring our children …

Dec 17, 2023 — Regina John

3 mental health tips for young adults struggling with school

Mental health concerns and issues can impact people of all ages and lifestyles. However, for young adults struggling with school, their mental health may be …

Dec 14, 2023 — Summer Pandey

Chip away at anxiety with meditation and exercise

"To keep the body in good health is a duty... otherwise, we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear." - Buddha. Exploring an approach that closely …

Nov 03, 2023 — Dipanjan Bosu

Black History Month & Mindfulness

The history of our world is a story of migration, diversity, empire and belonging. But these topics are not often taught in schools or even talked about in …

Oct 25, 2023 — Steven Yorke

Our wonderful Medito community raised $25,000!

We just want to say a massive thank you to everyone who donated after seeing our last message in the app. We received over $25,000, which has just blown us …

Oct 10, 2023 — Pritam Paul

World Mental Health Day 2023: Cultivating a universal right to wellbeing

In the tapestry of the calendar, October unfolds as a month dedicated to the sanctuary of minds worldwide—World Mental Health Month. A cornerstone within this …

Sep 12, 2023 — Steven Yorke

We had an amazing time at our second Medito Retreat of 2023!

Last weekend, our second retreat of 2023 took place (Sept 8th - 11th). We had a phenomenal time, and were blessed to meet 15 amazing people from around the …